Human Resources Management seminar
Class: Graduate Institute of Education 1A
Class code:M9A010BH
Class time:2nd semester
Learning purpose
Understand the concept of Human Resource Management
Understand the implication of Human Resource Management.
Implicate Human Resource Management into education field
Build up your own learning organization
About Human Resources
「人力資源」是企 業或組織得以永續生存的重要因素,善於做好人力資源管理的企業或組織,不但能吸引優秀的人才,還能保有並維持其競爭優勢。人力資源管理是所有管理者的重要工作之一,有系統地學習人力資源管理,是一般管理者重要的客題。除此之外,一般工作者也可以藉由對人力資源管理內涵的認識,了解企業或組織的用人態度。本課程主要在介紹人力資源管理的管理程序與實作方法,除了讓學習者能瞭解各項人力資源的操作,也提供各項程序應用的原則,以協助學習者建立統整的思考角度,進而能在應用時,能以原理原則來因應不同的企業環境與持續性的大環境的變動。
Teaching materials
3.Hsieh,S. C., Lin, J. S., Lee, H. C.(2012). Analysis on Literature Review Literature of Competency. International Review of Business and Economics, 2, 25-50.
1004-Shamsuddin, A., Chan, C.M., Wahab, E. Kassim, A.S.M . (2012). Leadership Management as an Integral Part of Succession Planning in HEIs: A Malaysian Perspective, International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3(3),151-158.
1108-Ball, D. L. & Forzani, F. M. (2009). The Work of Teaching and the Challenge for Teacher Education. Journal of Teacher Education, 60(5) 497 –511
1115-Nakpodia, E. D.(2010).Human Resource Management in School Administration in Delta State Nigeria. Journal of Social Science,23(3): 179-187.
1122Orthner,D. K.,Jones-Sanpei, H., Akos, P., and Rose, R. A.(2012). Improving Middle School Student Engagement Through Career-Relevant Instruction in the Core Curriculum. The Journal of Educational Research, 106, 27–38
Term paper report
(1) paper leading: 15 minutes leading instruction for the paper and leading discuss for another 15 minutes. Every presentation will be 30 minutes.
(2) Term paper: Find out a human resource management related application issue research proposal. No limited for the topics.
a. Content:
(1) background and problem
(2) purpose
(3) hypothesis and research framework
(4) methodology
(5) expect results
b. Format: APA 6 style; Times New Roman, 12 point content and 14 point title; include cover page
c. Presentation: Jan 11th 30minutes each.