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Marine Education Seminar

Class: Graduate Institute of Education 1A

Class code:M9A012J1

Class time:1nd semester

Learning purpose

  1. Importance of marine education

  2. Close, Know, and Love the ocean

  3. Taiwan Marine Education System

  4. International marine education policy

  5. SDGs and marine education 

  6. Marine experiential learning

  7. Ocean literacy

About Marine Tourism

臺灣四面環海,擁有豐富的海洋資源,近年來海洋觀光蓬勃發展,更突顯海域活動與遊憩規劃管理的重要性。2006年海洋政策白皮書提到,海域遊憩資源豐富,海域觀光遊憩勢必為未來主流,海洋觀光遊憩發展具有經濟、 教育及提升休閒生活品質的正面價值,海洋環境所能提供人們觀光休閒的機會與活動內容也 增加許多,已然成為全球新興重要觀光休閒產業,亦是各國發展海洋經濟的重要選項。根據海洋委員會「中程施政 計畫(106 至 109 年度)」施政綱要中即強調,提倡多元親海活動,善用豐富海洋資源,推廣 海洋經濟及海洋觀光遊憩事業;並且鼓勵異業結盟,發揚在地海洋文化特色,協助傳統產業順應時代變動進行轉型。海洋觀光產業泛指以海洋資源為基礎,以海上旅遊、濱海旅遊和海底旅遊等活動來吸引旅遊者,使遊客獲得娛樂、健身、消遣、休閒等目的,從而產生經濟效益和社會效益的產業行為。

Teaching materials

  1. 0317-Marafa, L. M. & Chau, K. C. (2014) Framework for Sustainable Tourism Development on Coastal and Marine Zone Environment. Tourism, Leisure and Global Change, volume 1 (2014), p.TOCS-1

  2. 0321-Lück (2015). Education on marine mammal tours -But what do tourists want to learn? Ocean & Coastal Management 103 (2015) 25-33

  3. 0418-Hall, C. M. (2001). Trends in ocean and coastal tourism: the end of the last frontier? Ocean & Coastal Management 44 (2001) 601–618

  4. 0425-Wienera, C. S., Needhamb, M. D. and Wilkinson, P. F.(2009).Hawaii’s real life marine park: interpretation and impacts of commercial marine tourism in the Hawaiian Islands. Current Issues in Tourism, 12(5-6), 489–504.

  5. 0502- Moscardo, G., Pearce, P., Green, D. & O'Leary, T. T. (2001) Understanding Coastal and Marine Tourism Demand from Three European Markets: Implications for the Future of Ecotourism, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 9:3, 212-227.

  6. 0509-Johnson, D. (2002). Environmentally sustainable cruise tourism: a reality check. Marine Policy 26 (2002) 261–270.

  7. 0530-Davenport, J. & Davenport, J. L. (2006)The impact of tourism and personal leisure transport on coastal environments: A review. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 67, 280-292.

  8. 0613-Chen, T. C., Ku, K. C., Ying, T. C. (2012) process-based collaborative model of marine tourism service system – The case of Green Island area, Taiwan. 64, 37-46.

Term paper report

1. paper guide: 30 minutes includes leading discussion。

2. Finial presentation: Focus on Hoping Island Internationalize Education issue to prepare a concrete project. Discuss with industrial mentor and present to public in Hoping island for 20 minutes.  

Course Schedule

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